Life in Michigan

Life in Michigan

The North Star Lounge in Ann Arbor was the scene of an invigorating evening of daredevil Americana music thanks to the exceptionally talented Annie and Rod Capps Quartet.” – Chuck Marshall, Life in Michigan

Kinda gobsmacked by this awesome review of our North Star Lounge show. We jumped off the proverbial songwriting diving board into the deep end with a bunch of songs we barely knew but wanted to “road test”. By all reports, they stood up to our loyal friends and fans’ standards. Far from perfectly delivered, but there was no denying the passion and well-seasoned professionalism. I love the metaphors Chuck Marshall of Life in Michigan used in his review. 

Holiday Season

Holiday Season


The holiday season comes with a lot of conflicting emotions for me. The older I get, the less I enjoy large boisterous gatherings (unless I’m on stage!!) and the more I crave quiet peaceful days at home with no obligations looming over me so I can lounge around in my comfy clothes, read a book or watch a mindless t.v. show. THAT’s what I look forward to. The Down Time. I tend to feel an unusual sense of calm, which is hard to reconcile amidst the insane traffic and louder sales pitches cluttering the TVs, phones, and inboxes. Who knows what the coming year will bring so my plan is to revel in what’s left of 2024 by tuning out the politics and focusing on the people I love. I don’t buy into the commercial Christmas crap and would be happier if the gift-giving part of our traditions were left behind so we could find other ways to show each other how much we love and appreciate them. Not to be all Scroogy but gifts from well-meaning friends and family rarely hit the mark and the enthusiasm of the recipient is usually an act to make the giver feel good. So what’s wrong with that? If it makes your friend or loved one happy to give you a gift and you mean enough to them that they’re willing to spend their hard-earned money on you, it’s your job to accept that gift graciously and if said gift ends up haunting the various surfaces of the house you’re trying desperately to declutter until you finally swallow the guilt and donate it to Good Will hoping it’ll find a home with someone who would actually use or enjoy it, that’s just how it goes. It doesn’t matter that those who truly know you, also know how uncomfortable it feels to be given a gift when you can’t or choose not to reciprocate. 

Dear Abby, Should I tell my friend to stop buying me gifts? Answer: Maybe the best gift you can give them is to LET THEM buy you a gift. If it makes them happy.

I was chatting with my mom the other day about the self-imposed pressure to buy “the right” gift for someone and how much we used to agonize over those decisions. We’ve long since outgrown the exuberant anticipation of Christmas mornings around the tree tearing into packages filled with shiny new objects chosen “by Santa” from a list we labored over. The thing is, I remember getting so much joy out of watching my siblings open presents that I had picked out for them. So, yeah, I get that by saying “no presents this year” we deprive our loved ones of that joy.  As I said, conflicting emotions. I guess the answer is to drop the expectations and just appreciate… all of it.

Big love and happy holidays from us!

It’s Been A Minute

It’s Been A Minute

Wait. Our last post here was May 2023? We were asking for help to fund our Love & Rain album which has now been out for a whole year! Holy cow. Note to self. I really must get better at this. Coming to you now as we head into a very exciting summer of festivals and outdoor events. Mostly with the Capps band but three of those festivals were after the Badass Women Band! It all started with my solo album “How Can I Say This” which was formed to help bring the album to life for a few CD release events. We had so much fun playing together and there was so much songwriting talent on that stage that it made sense to evolve into something more than just my album. Spurred on by some interest from the Wheatland booking committee, we set to work on building a press kit that would serve to promote this band. My songs were low-hanging fruit for now so we recorded “Dirty Little Secret” and “Two Different Things”. Filmed by the amazing Charlie Steen and recorded by and at La Luna Recording and Sound in Kalamazoo (where I also recorded and mixed my album) with engineers Maggie Heeron and Ian Gorman.

We’re now working up a full set featuring all the songwriters in the band, Annie Bacon, Fay Burns, and Julianna Wilson as well as some very cool covers. Along with these three badasses, the band features incredible musicians, Cori Somers on violin, Sara Gibson on cello, and Carolyn Koebel on drums. Visit for more info and of course, we’ll post all the shows here on our LIVE page.

Hope you’ve got a fun summer planned. All reports are that it’s gonna be a scorcher. Be safe. Drink lots of water and carry an umbrella for shade. (let’s see if I can take my own advice)

We need your help to make “Love and Rain”

We need your help to make “Love and Rain”

We’re super excited about this new batch of songs and can’t wait to share them with you. We started recording in January and will be finishing up very soon. (Read a bit more about the album and listen to a teaser – Although this album is a relatively low-budget endeavor, we can really use your help to get it across the finish line. So we’ve set a modest goal to raise $5,000 (which will help us pay for the balance of mixing, mastering, and manufacturing of the CDs) and we hope to raise that in two weeks! Ambitious? Yes. But not impossible.

If 200 of you buy the album in the next two weeks, we hit that goal. If a few of you are able and feel compelled to donate a little more, we have those options as well. 

We created some other premiums below but if there’s something you want that isn’t listed, just reach out and we’ll do our best to make it happen. (NOTE, these options are subject to change but once you make a purchase we promise to deliver)

Options include:

  • $15 Download Only
  • $25 Disc and Download
  • $50 Disc, Download, and Donation (an extra $25 just because)
  • $75 Disc, Download, and Donation (an extra $50 and we’ll throw in 3 CAPPS albums of your choosing)
  • $100 Disc, Download, and Donation (an extra $75 and we’ll throw in 5 items from the Capps shop (choose from recordings, t-shirts*, and posters)
  • $150 Double down (2 of everything we have for sharing plus an extra $50 just because)
  • $250 Double down PLUS a one-on-one songwriting session with Annie (or something else we can offer of equal value)
  • $500 Double down PLUS a House Show* (or something else we can offer of equal value)
  • $1000 Executive Producer (All of the above, PLUS your name “in lights” in our album liner notes with Executive Producer credit)
My Folky Valentine 2023!!

My Folky Valentine 2023!!

We are so excited to share The Ark stage with these two lovely duos. Jenny & Robin Bienemann hail from Chicagoland. By turns hilarious and heartfelt, this cutting-edge acoustic duo melds original and traditional music with an elegant hint of jazz.  Robin’s wild guitar stylings harken back to the earliest forms of jazz, blues and country guitar. Jenny’s voice and guitar playing evokes comparisons to Joni Mitchell and Ricki Lee Jones. Both write songs that are celebrations of modern life in all of its wonderful, strange and hilarious beauty, garnering airplay on National Public Radio, Dr. Demento, and The Midnight Special.

Ruth and Max Bloomquist celebrate 45 years of performing their style of Acoustic Americana, with roots in Folk, Bluegrass, and traditional Country music. Ruth is well known for her songwriting as well as her striking alto voice. She was a winner of Merlefest’s Chris Austin Song Writing competition in 2003 with her gospel number, By The River. The pair’s 2010 CD release, Turn Back a Page reached No. 5 on the Folk DJ Airplay Chart with 4 songs in the top 100 for that year. A Youtube video featuring Michigan Girl, a track from that CD, has been viewed over 395,000 times. The pair has toured in southern France nearly every year since 2008. A live CD was released in 2012 and a Christmas EP in 2015. The couple released their sixth full length CD, On A Canvas Painted Blue, in October 2017. 

As always, we’ll swap songs, collaborate and have a great time!

Annie’s CD Release Concert

Annie’s CD Release Concert

Riding the wave of excitement generated by a successfully funded Kickstarter campaign, Chelsea-based singer/songwriter/performer Annie Capps celebrates the release of her ninth recording and first solo album, “How Can I Say This”. The album features 12 original songs written by Annie representing what she calls “a love letter to my younger self” exploring topics of self-discovery, shame, learning, forgiveness, grief, and strength. Proudly featuring a supporting cast of over 40 women musicians spanning the U.S. and into Canada, “How Can I Say This” was recorded, produced, and performed by an impressive batch of A-listers, whose exceptional talents contributed to the sonically lush, emotionally charged arrangements. You can see that complete list and read more about the project at In solidarity with the way it was created, for this concert, Annie has assembled an all-women band – some of whom performed on the album and others who are adding their own spin to the songs just for this show! The all-star band features Fay Burns on guitar, Suzie Vinnick on bass, Cheryl Prashker on drums/percussion, Judy Insley on Mandolin, Sara Gibson on cello, and a slew of background singers including Annie Bacon, Robin Lee Berry, Jennifer Buehrer, Kitty Donohoe, Jan Krist, Sharon Tse and more to be announced.