Holiday Season

Holiday Season


The holiday season comes with a lot of conflicting emotions for me. The older I get, the less I enjoy large boisterous gatherings (unless I’m on stage!!) and the more I crave quiet peaceful days at home with no obligations looming over me so I can lounge around in my comfy clothes, read a book or watch a mindless t.v. show. THAT’s what I look forward to. The Down Time. I tend to feel an unusual sense of calm, which is hard to reconcile amidst the insane traffic and louder sales pitches cluttering the TVs, phones, and inboxes. Who knows what the coming year will bring so my plan is to revel in what’s left of 2024 by tuning out the politics and focusing on the people I love. I don’t buy into the commercial Christmas crap and would be happier if the gift-giving part of our traditions were left behind so we could find other ways to show each other how much we love and appreciate them. Not to be all Scroogy but gifts from well-meaning friends and family rarely hit the mark and the enthusiasm of the recipient is usually an act to make the giver feel good. So what’s wrong with that? If it makes your friend or loved one happy to give you a gift and you mean enough to them that they’re willing to spend their hard-earned money on you, it’s your job to accept that gift graciously and if said gift ends up haunting the various surfaces of the house you’re trying desperately to declutter until you finally swallow the guilt and donate it to Good Will hoping it’ll find a home with someone who would actually use or enjoy it, that’s just how it goes. It doesn’t matter that those who truly know you, also know how uncomfortable it feels to be given a gift when you can’t or choose not to reciprocate. 

Dear Abby, Should I tell my friend to stop buying me gifts? Answer: Maybe the best gift you can give them is to LET THEM buy you a gift. If it makes them happy.

I was chatting with my mom the other day about the self-imposed pressure to buy “the right” gift for someone and how much we used to agonize over those decisions. We’ve long since outgrown the exuberant anticipation of Christmas mornings around the tree tearing into packages filled with shiny new objects chosen “by Santa” from a list we labored over. The thing is, I remember getting so much joy out of watching my siblings open presents that I had picked out for them. So, yeah, I get that by saying “no presents this year” we deprive our loved ones of that joy.  As I said, conflicting emotions. I guess the answer is to drop the expectations and just appreciate… all of it.

Big love and happy holidays from us!

The WTF Sessions Have Begun

The WTF Sessions Have Begun

Not what you’re thinking. WTF = When They Fall. That’s the title (at least for now) of our new CD that we’ve finally started recording! Interestingly enough, without any intention or planning, we’ve realized that every album of ours has a three word title. Not So Sure (NSS), One Big Show (OBS), In This Town (ITT), My Blue Garden (MBG), Searching for Neverland (SFN) and now When They Fall (WTF). Go figure. =) 

This project is exciting for so many reasons. Not only do we get to keep working with our beloved and exceptionally talented band-mates, Jason Dennie and Ozzie Andrews, but we’ve also once again commission the phenomenal drummer/percussionist, Mike Shimmin (the olllam, Joshua Davis, May Erlewine, Madcat’s Midnight Blues Journey and so many more). We’re once again recording with master engineer, Geoff Michael at Big Sky Recording where most of our albums were done. We loved working with Geoff on Searching for Neverland and knew he could deliver the goods on this one too. For Neverland” we worked hard to capture as close to a ‘live’ sound as possible. For this album, we’re heading down a much different path. WTF is all about doing things we may NOT be able to capture live. Each of us will play multiple instruments (yep, there will be banjo), there will be several guest singers and other stuff we haven’t figured out yet. All we know for sure is that we want a sonic feast for your ears with lush arrangements all serving the songs. And speaking of the songs… you’ve heard some of them many times and you’ve heard a few of them once or twice if you’ve been coming to shows regularly over the years and at least one or two you’ve probably never heard (save for a few of you songwriters who come to Monday night Song Salon). Final list is still to be determined. But to answer the most FAQ, yes “This Little Apple” will be on the CD. A new recording of it with a few new names in the requiem verse. 

At this time, we have no plans to use a crowd-funding service like Kickstarter or Indie Go Go but watch for details about how you can help us pay for this endeavor by pre-ordering a signed copy and taking advantage of some other premium deals. 

There’s Always Tomorrow

There’s Always Tomorrow

It’s been 3 months since I’ve taken the time to blog about anything for our website. One of the other hats I’m wearing these days swallowed up my head and pushed all thought unrelated to it way far back into the recesses of my overwhelmed brain. The hat of which I speak was that of conference director for the Folk Alliance Region Midwest’s annual gathering in Grand Rapids. It took place the last weekend of October and by all standards, it was a huge success! I feel pretty good about that, but it sure does take a long time to come back down after such an intense immersion into one undertaking. In fact, before we could come down from FARM we hit the road for Stamford, CT to attend the annual North East Regional Folk Alliance (NERFA) conference.  

Rod and I have been attending these folk music conferences fairly steadily for the past 12+ years or so and have learned to appreciate the small connections and magical moments – not to mention the friendships – we’ve been lucky enough to experience. As a closet introvert (yes, it’s true, though nobody believes me when I tell them), I find it takes every ounce of energy I have be “on” for an entire weekend just in case you have the chance to talk to some talent buyer in the halls or in line at the breakfast buffet. Have your “elevator pitch” ready and make sure you invite them to your showcase at 2am in the most unnatural of performance settings – a hotel room. Why do we think THIS is when someone will see something in us and decide to book us? Whose idea was this anyway? Guerrilla showcasing in theory is a good plan since only a small number of the artists actually earn an official showcase of any kind. But to think that we are presenting our best selves in a situation we would NEVER actually perform, is ludicrous. And yet, it does happen. We’ve been at this long enough to know that a serious booker may see something in you, though it may take them seeing you play this unnatural setting multiple times before they’re convinced you’re worthy of a booking at their house concert or venue. But it DOES happen. Like everything worthwhile, it takes time. 

These days I’m struggling with the search for patience amidst feelings of time whizzing by faster than ever. Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone yet we’re pursuing gigs that are several hundred “tomorrows” away. There’s always tomorrow, until there isn’t. But we probably won’t know there won’t be a tomorrow until it doesn’t matter. So why stop going for it?  We plan so far ahead, thinking we’ve got ample time to get our act together, yet the gig we booked a year ago seems to creep up out of nowhere. All that practice really does pay off, but at a snail’s pace. A year later, I feel no more worthy of this gig than the day they offered it to us. Why is that? and how did this post take me there? huh. Maybe I’ll figure it out tomorrow. 

Voices Lost and Found

Voices Lost and Found

Thanks to Mike Ball and his Lost Voices organization, I have had the privilege of spending a week (on more than one occasion) adding music and sometimes melody to the powerful words of the phenomenal girls at Vista Maria who, at ages ranging from 12 – 17, have survived the kind of trauma we could never imagine or understand.  There’s really no way for me to explain the impact these young women have on me both in their bravery and gentleness. This blog post on the Lost Voices website is beautifully written by singer/songwriter and board member, Sharon Tse. You’ll be glad you read it.

Two Minutes That Can Change All Our Lives


So Little Time…

So Little Time…

This time of year is always rife with emotions from blissfully happy to supremely sad, and everything in between. Rod and I have been talking a lot about time and how we want to spend what’s left of ours. Not PLANNING on going anywhere but with so many friends leaving us far too soon, the urgent ticking of the clock has us contemplating how we’re spending our time. Joyfully, comes to mind.


Ringing out the old year!

Ringing out the old year!

At the time of this writing, there are only a few hours left of 2016. A year that many are looking back on with a mixture of “good riddance” and “can we please have a do over?!” A year with far too many losses in the arts and entertainment world at a time when we turn to things like music and art for comfort. A year over-shadowed by what was surely THE MOST despicable and embarrassing election campaign season in my lifetime, riddled with and followed by the kind of behavior that we should ALL be denouncing. I’ve spoken with many who are angry, frightened, and quite literally sickened and yet we are still hopeful. As cliche as it might be, at my lowest times, I find that remembering the many blessings I have in my life is the best cure. If you’re reading this, we count you among them. (more…)